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Tooth Extraction

tooth removal

Tooth extraction is a routine procedure used to remove irreversibly decayed, damaged or other problematic teeth. In our clinic, our dentists make every effort to protect the natural teeth and make the patient use them longer, but sometimes the extraction process is inevitable. Tooth extraction is considered a surgical procedure.  


Reasons for Extraction  


The most common cause of tooth extraction is severe tooth decay. Extraction is applied for decayed teeth in a way that does not respond to filling and root canal treatment. The conditions that lead to the extraction other than caries are listed below.

  • Unused or embedded teeth, especially wisdom teeth.

  • Aggravated periodontal diseases,

  • Fractures of teeth that cannot be cured,

  • Very severely deformed teeth.

Tooth Extraction Process  


If you and your dentist decide to pull one or more teeth, the extraction is made on the same day or planned for a later date, depending on the degree of difficulty of the extraction. Local anesthesia is applied to prevent pain during the extraction process and pain relief medications may be prescribed to relieve the pain after extraction. Sedation or general anesthesia may also be applied, considering the nature of the tooth extraction, your general health, and your approach to extraction. However, this is rarely needed.

tooth extraction
After Tooth Extraction


Care and attention to the extraction site after tooth extraction are necessary for healing and prevention of complications. You will be instructed to avoid certain foods and keep this area clean. If you are prescribed antibiotics by your dentist, it is important that you complete the medications given at the end of the treatment to prevent infection. It may be advisable to avoid granular food, pipette feeding, and smoking until the gravity wound heals, as these may delay the healing process.


After tooth extraction, the bone under it gradually deteriorates and bone loss occurs. In addition, the teeth adjacent to the extracted tooth may migrate into the cavity to close the gap formed after the extraction. This migration can disrupt the overall tooth structure. In order to prevent both bone loss and migration of adjacent teeth after extraction, it is recommended that the treatment closes the cavity, primarily implant treatment, be performed as soon as possible. Because, like trees hold soil and prevent soil erosion, implants retain bone tissue and help prevent bone erosion. Waiting too long after the extraction without placing an implant in the area of ​​the missing tooth may increase the risk of bone loss, which may make it difficult to achieve successful results for implants at later ages.

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